Building a personal brand is like burning a candle at both ends.
It's hard — and involves a lot of moving parts. But you got to stop feeling so goddamn downbeat!
Earlier this month, I saw a nine-year-old in our community playground discussing a blog he loves to read. As a content marketer, who gets a kick out of a good blog, I was not just impressed but intrigued.
"Who the hell are these kids? And how cool will it be to have my daughter in this cult of little blog readers."
But, of course, that deliberation ended soon with a deep sigh -- for my daughter is just three, and all she knows is how to imitate reading a book!
So, I better not jump the gun, I figured.

Anyway, coming back to content marketing and how even kids are aware of blog posts and content makes me hopeful. Hopeful of a future where brands, particularly personal brands, will no longer hesitate in applying the basics of content marketing to improve their visibility on the web.
So, if you want to build a solid personal brand, stop being behind the scenes and put yourself out there with the help of content marketing. Here's how you can do that:
1. Publish An E-book
No matter what your industry is, there's something valuable you can always bring to the table. Explore different topics in your niche and create a killer eBook on a topic that adds value to your audience. Now, all this may sound intimidating, but an eBook doesn't have to be 1000-word long. As long as it's something unique and relevant to your audience, words don't matter.
You can then publish your eBook through Amazon or upload it on your company's website. Even better, offer it as a freebie to your website visitors to collect email sign-ups.
2. Maintain A Blog And Optimize It
Oh, blog posts. The brainstorming, the lack of ideas, the writing. I know many people don't even consider a blog helpful in creating a stellar brand. But, could they be more wrong?
Well, besides providing you with an easy platform to demonstrate your expertise and inform your audience about your brand's offerings, a blog also helps you build a loyal following. And if you fancy being a thought leader, nothing can beat including industry-leading information and valuable insights on a blog post and sharing it with the world.
Then again, a blog is one of the most important ways to boost your search engine ranks. By maintaining and optimising a blog regularly, you can also significantly increase your website's organic traffic through it.
Now, even though the Content Marketer Me is like, "Who needs more reasons? Blogs are all love!!!", there are plenty more benefits to having a solid blog. More on that later.
3. Publish Guest Posts
Creators or brands are reach-obsessed. We all want to gain credibility and showcase our expertise in our respective fields. And one fantastic way to do that is contributing articles or guest posts (uhm, what do you think I am doing here? Wink!)
In addition to creating brand awareness, it is a great tactic to generate leads and organic traffic. Plus, you can request a link to your website to further your reach. At the risk of getting a bit technical here, I'd like to state this fact: Google loves backlinks from other websites. So, if you want to up your website's rank on Google, make sure you get published with a link to your website!
4. Provide Answers
There are countless ways to understand your target audience's needs, and we should try as many of them as we possibly can. by
So, if you ever find yourself in a rut, ask questions on various platforms – not just Instagram. Because your audience may hang out on platforms that go way beyond that good-looking photo and video sharing app!
Quora is a terrific place to start. You can either post a question and answer it or simply answer the many questions that already exist there. Either way, it's a golden opportunity to build visibility, trust, and goodwill. But, do not sell! The goal is to create a community, not increase revenue.
You can also ask questions on LinkedIn and Twitter or join conversations on these platforms to share your knowledge.
And if you have a blog, don't ignore the power of blog comments. There may be hot leads waiting for you in those comments!
